Sunday, May 31, 2009

Story - Seamore and the Hot Air Balloon

 Days passed, friendships grew as Jack and Seamore spent time exploring the beach. 

They told each other stories while digging in the sand. One afternoon they were watching the seagulls dipping and soaring over the school of fish swimming through the shallows, when the sea monster sighed. Jack wanted to know why, and pretty soon Seamore was telling the young boy all about his dream of flying. He was so sad because he was earth bound. He wanted to see what everything looked like from above. His eyes alight, he went on to imagine how it would feel to look down on his home, and the beach that the two young ones shared. 

Jackie knew exactly what the sea monster was talking about. Because he felt like that himself. One day after supper the two younglings were playing in the shallows, when a hot air balloon landed on the beach. Brightly colored, it was a magical sight. 

Jackie said it sounded like a dragon when it's flame roared to life, keeping the balloon aloft, while allowing the basket to settle gently on the sand. The two gingerly approached the contraption, as the balloonist hailed them. He said he wanted to tie off to a rock, and just float above the beach, hoping to attract riders. If the younglings would tie his balloon to the ground, he'd give them a short ride, up into the air. 

 Rarely have two children moved faster. And before anyone could say a tongue twister like Seamore Sits in the Shifting Sand the two younglings had tied off the rope and were eagerly climbing into the waiting basket. Deafened by the roar of the dragon flames, they briefly cowered in the bottom of the basket. But as the balloon rose gently off of the sand, Jack peered timidly over the sides of the basket. 

Jack was surprised by how high they were already. The surprise on his face, followed almost instantly by a big grin, gave Seamore the courage to look around. He had never imagined that he'd be so high. Excitement made him shout and dance a little dance, which made the basket sway. His eyes got really big as he grabbed the sides of the wicker. The balloonist patted him on the shoulder and told him he was safe, and gradually Seamore relaxed. 

 For the next several minutes the younglings looked down at the shining sea, sparkling in the late evening light. The water was changing from bright blue to a deeper shade as the sun crept toward the horizon, and the balloon began to sink toward the beach. 

 Jack was startled when the flames roared to life again, sending the brightly colored envelop shooting upward once again. But he grinned when he spotted his house, and his mother standing outside on the lawn. 

Shouting and waving, the children laughed as she waved back. In moments the neighbors where drawn to the beach where they were tethered. The balloon sank gently back to earth and the waiting crowd of people eager for a ride. The younglings climbed from the basket, eyes shining. They stayed and talked with those waiting for their turn. Telling and retelling their exciting adventure in the sky, until finally their mothers called them home for bed. 


For the 'beginning' of the story - see May 24, 2009

1 comment:

Carma Dutra said...

Hi Gayle,
What a cute story. Makes me want to experience a hot air balloon ride.
